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POSEmuse Doodle App - Public Information

Official public information repository for the POSEmuse Doodle App.

Privacy Policy for POSEmuse Doodle App

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy sets forth the practices and policies governing the collection, use, and disclosure of information by the POSEmuse Doodle App (“the App”), developed by Steven C. Harrison.

2. Information Collection and Use

The App does not collect, store, or process any personal or end-user information. The App’s functionality allows users to save or share their artwork; however, the App does not have access to, nor does it retain or control, any such information.

3. User Content

All artwork created, saved, or shared by the user through the App remains the exclusive property of the user. The App does not claim any rights, title, or interest in or to such content. Users are encouraged to save their artwork frequently, as the App does not retain or recover any content once it is removed or deleted.

4. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting, and your continued use of the App following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.

5. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact the developer.